Friday, November 30, 2012

Reminder:Upcoming ACT test in 8 days!

Standby Test Takers

For those who will be taking the Act, the next date is on December 8, which is 8 days from today. And For those who missed the deadline for registration, there is still an option to be a standby. The request for the standby are from November 17 to December 3. Remember that "you are not guaranteed a test booklet or a seat". Also standby test takers must pay a fee of 43 more dollars on top of their test option ("78 dollars total for ACT no writing or 93.50 dollars total for ACT Plus  writing"). A standby must also meet the requirements that any regular test takers must meet, which includes providing proper identification and printing out their standby ticket. If standby test takers fail to meet these requirements, the ACT will refund fee's paid for the request, the standby request will not transfer to any other test date. So if you plan on wanting to take the Test on December 8, but have not yet registered, you have three days to still be a standby. Good luck!
Standby Test Takers

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

SAT score no longer important to some colleges?

SAT Scores No Longer Important 

ACT and SAT exams are made to measure a students readiness for college. Colleges have a certain score the student has to meet for them to be admitted into their college. Some colleges are "acknowledging the fact that test scores do not necessarily correlate with college success". Many people are say that these exams measure "test taking skills instead of academic abilities". Which is very true for a lot of people, an example of this one of my friends who has maintained a 4.1 GPA since freshman year and has taken College prep classes, but when it came down to taking the ACT he scored a little above average. Some colleges are recognizing this, and are willing to look at students as a whole instead of putting a highly emphasis on SAT scores. The colleges that already have started to not pay a lot of attention to scores as much, are seeing a great effect, more students who didn't even think about applying to their college because of their scores, are applying and are actually performing well in college.
SAT Scores

Monday, November 26, 2012

Ten Ways to Improve Education

Ten Ways To Improve Education

To improve education as a whole students, teachers,schools and the community all need to cooperate. Students should engage in project based learning, these projects are more demanding than a book based instruction.Also, students need to be able to connect intergrated studies, connecting intergrated studies "enables students to be investagated using many forms of knowledge and expressions". Students also need to share using Cooperative learning also, which helps students "develop social and emotional skills". Lastly, students should expand comprehensive assesments where they are able to retake test and learn from their mistakes. Teachers also play a big role on improving education. They should coach intelectual and emotional guide, this means that they shouold spend more one on one time with students that "seek additional challenges". Lastly teachers need to learn teaching as apprenticeship, which means they need to sharpen their teaching skills. Schools need to adopt to technology, with online connections students and teachers can communicate more productively. Schools also need to reorganize reources which means that schools should be open for student activities and teacher development. Communities need to involve parents, "when schools involves parents, students learn more". Lastly communities need to include community partners which is benefical for students when they work with career programs and internships.

Ten Ways To Improve Education

Monday, November 12, 2012

Steps to Studying Abroad!

I am the type of person who likes to learn and experience something that is out of my comfort zone, for those who are like me, studying abroad maybe an interest to you. Studying abroad is indeed a challenging experience to meet. But thankfully i found an easy way you can help prepare studying abroad. The first step is to meet with your study abroad or academic advisor.Your advisor's task is to help you understand the benefits of studying abroad with your acedemic plan as well. He or she will have all the answers to all the questions you provide.The second step to succesfully plan your trip is to research a study abroad program, there are : study abroad, intern abroad, language abroad ,volunteer abroad, and finally teacher abroad. Find out what interests you and meets your goals.The third step is to apply for study abroad programs,again, if you have any questions while appying, remember that your advisor is always there to help.Once your application is approved, apply for financial aid, and prepare for the adventure! Get your passport and Visa, get travel insuarance, get discounted student airfare and finally, pack properly! Hope these steps helped, if you plan on studying abroad one day!
Study Abroad

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My ACT retake experience!

My ACT retake experience

I took the ACT's for the first time last spring as a junior in highschool.My school had previoulsy took a few ACT practices as a whole school, so i knew what to expect. The day of the ACT's i freaked out, and that really showed in my score. I decided that i wanted to retake the ACT, not once but twice! The Second time i retook the ACT was in the summer, i received alot of techiniques from Sylvan ACT prep. My composite score improved by two points. When my senior year started, i knew i had to start applying for college. Although i improved my score by two points, i was still not satisfied. Recently i retook the ACT test for the third time, hoping for a better score again.I felt prepared because i knew what to expect.That is one advantage of retaking the ACT, once you take it once, you can improve your techniques. The ACT test taking experience can be difficult for some, but if retaking the ACT is something you want to do, i reccomend you do it. But the things you should pay attention to is the Dates of the retakes are and making sure you pay before the deadline, otherwise you will end up being a standyby, which means you are not reccomended a chance to test at your test center.The cost for the ACT is listed on the following website Act Student. I wish you luck!